Lidia Tato

My name is Lidia Tatò. I was born in Italy and moved to Amsterdam in 1992.

I have a master’s degree in hypno-psychotherapy and one in art therapy. I work in my own practice as well as in different psychiatric institutions.

Art expression has always been very important to me. I have followed different trainings and courses among which SKE (creative craftsmanship). Drawing and painting have been a constant throughout all my life. I have taken a couple of years course in jewellery. About 10 years training in pottery. In the last years I have been learning glass fusion and glass beading.

My inspiration is the meeting between the inside and the outside world and the different feelings and emotions that this meeting brings about. I am sensitive and empathic and I resonate with the life experiences people share with me in my practice, work and in institutions. When we can safely resonate at a deeper level it is possible to discover and heal hidden parts of ourselves.

I am fascinated by the use of different materials and the infinite combinations mixing materials creates. There are many artists in history that have produced art through the use of different materials. This is also what they call “The Renaissance Soul” Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and Picasso are just a few examples. Other artists have combined music and painting, theatre and writing. They choose not to choose. Sometimes people say I should specialise and focus on one technique. I also choose not to choose and I see myself as a multi instrumentalist in music or an explorer discovering new territories. As an art therapist I have to master different techniques. Each technique makes space for a particular experience and resonates with different modalities inside of us. Mastering different techniques multiplies the creative possibilities. It gives me creative FREEDOM. Freedom to express my curiosity, experiment and experience new possibilities and experience constant developing and learning. In this freedom there are different themes and patterns that can be found and a clear personal style, like the same person saying the same things but in different languages. DON’T FENCE ME IN!

On this site you can find some of my work. You can contact me at:

Lex Hulsthoff, van Galerie Augustana, zegt over mij in 2013: Veelzijdig kunstenares die in vele technieken werkt. Haar project “In My Shoes” heeft als achterliggende gedachte verloren en gevonden schoenen, die elk hun eigen verhaal bij zich dragen. Dit project heeft zij op verzoek van de Galerie nu permanent in Augustana opgesteld en wijst de bezoekers de weg vanaf de ingang naar de Galerie.